war medicine promo image

War Medicine

From Wunderman Comics

The child of an African shaman & a Cheyenne warrior loses everything and searches for brutal answers and vengeance.

Find justice

the cover to mpls sound

False Flag

From The Operative Network

An elite military unit has battled a ruthless terrorist organization for decades around the world. No one ever asked why.

Choose a side?

the cover to the sundering: the nation beneath our feet

The Sundering

The Nation Beneath Our Feet

The smash hit Kickstarter DND5e campaign setting book from Unlikely Heroes Studios, actor Damion Poitier and Hannibal Tabu.

Roll the dice

The Most Important Thing Right Now

Black History in New York City, high technology in a galaxy far, far away and a second half century of threatening the global patriarchy. Business as usual.

The road behind doesn't matter as much as the road ahead, and this time we look at a little bit of why.

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